Thursday, April 29, 2010

Soulmate Qualities

Is it possible that there is only one person out there for each of us? Is each person born with only one soulmate? If so, can we always be assured we will find that one person out of 5.97 billion people that we are meant to be with?

I was talking to a friend of mine to define in verbal parameters what exactly a soulmate is, and she defined it as "the one person your find the most happiness with, and don't feel a void". After careful thought, I then proceeded to ask her how we can be assured of this when there is no way we can possibly know what it's like to be with anyone else. She replied, "Because that one person that you are with, you don't wonder if you could've been happier with someone else".

As I thought about this, I realized that choosing someone to be your soulmate is exactly that... a choice. When you make that committment to be with someone and build a life with them, you are essentially picking the one person that you feel has it all. Now what my definition of happiness is certainly differs from the next, but that's what makes everyone unique. We are all looking for Mr. or Mrs. "Right", and yet so many people don't find them. It's not because they are not "destined" to their happlily ever after, but more so because they have not made a choice to commit to somebody. And according to my friend's definition, they have not found anybody that can make them stop wondering if it gets better.

As we continue through life and continue to grow and flourish, it is obvious that needs and wants change through wisdom, experience, and maturity. So not only do definitions of soulmates differ from person to person, but also over time within each individual. What I looked for five years ago in a soulmate is by far a 180 from what I now find as "soulmate" qualities. Eventually destiny takes its course, and things reveal themselves in due time. In the meantime, what is your definition of a soulmate? Who is that one perfect person for you in this world? Have you found him/her yet? What defines your happiness? If defining one simple word is so difficult, I can't imagine how hard Webster had it.

1 comment:

  1. bingo. You have hit the nail right on the right. Once the two parties are committed, everything just falls into place.
